Wolfowicz, Michael; Weisburd, David & Badi Hasisi 2022
Forskningsrapport 2022/1, 70 s.
Counter-radicalization has become part and parcel of the counter-terrorism strategies of virtually every western nation. Most counter-radicalization efforts build on the assumption that targeting specific risk and protective factors can reduce the prevalence of radicalization among the general population and thereby reduce the risk of terrorism. Yet, despite the rapid diffusion of counter-radicalization interventions and the significant investments that democratic countries have made in them, few rigorous evaluations have been carried out to guide existing practice. Even with policies, practices, and programs in place for close to two decades, it remains unknown whether they are at all effective.
This study reviews counter-radicalization strategies and interventions funded by governments or carried out under their auspices. They map out the risk and protective factors specified and identify the degree to which they are evidence-based.
The review finds some promising results, but it also indicates that many interventions target factors with minimal relationships with radicalization.
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Rapporten utgör en del av projektet Våldsbejakande hot och inre säkerhet. Forskning i samarbete mellan Sverige och Kanada (2019-13780) som finansieras av Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB).