Jylhä, Kirsti , Strimling, Pontus , Rydgren, Jens | 2019
Forskningsrapport 2019:1, 108 s.
Europe has experienced major political changes over recent decades, with new political parties having emerged and become established in many countries. The same development has also been seen in Sweden, where the Sweden Democrats has rapidly grown from a once marginal position to become one of the country’s largest parliamentary parties.
This report seeks to find answers to a multitude of questions on the Sweden Democrat voters, in order to gain better understanding for the increasing support. What values and political opinions do they have. What about their socioeconomic status and their perceived social inclusion? Is their view on immigration driven by worries about changes in society or is it a sign of a deeper antipathy towards immigrants? What about their trust in institutions such as the parliament and the media?
This study, which is based on a large-scale questionnaire survey conducted among 3,518 participants, is the result of the work of an interdisicplinary group of researchers. It was first presented in Swedish in the summer of 2018 just before the Swedish Parliamentary Elections.
The results are relevant to politicians, researchers and people in general who are interested in Swedish politics or voter behavior.
The report is not available in a printed version.