Tersman, Folke | 2018
Philosophy Compass 13 (6), 2018. DOI:10.1111/phc3.12493.
The idea of reflective equilibrium (IRE) remains the most popular approach to questions about method in ethics, despite the masses of criticism it has been faced with over the years. Is this due to the availability of compelling responses to the criticisms or rather to factors that are independent of its reasonableness? The aim of this paper is to provide support for the first answer. I particularly focus on the recent discussion. Some recent objections are related to general arguments against the possibility of moral knowledge, such as so‐called “evolutionary debunking arguments.” I argue that nothing that has come to light in that debate, or in the recent discussion about IRE more generally, decisively strengthens the case against it. If anything, the recent developments show that IRE deserves its present status.
Läs mer om artikeln: Recent Work on Reflective Equilibrium and Method in Ethics.