The implications of learning across perceptually and strategically distinct situations
Strimling, Pontus , Eriksson, Kimmo , Cownden, D | 2015
The not-very-rich and the very poor. Poverty persistence and poverty concentration in Sweden
Mood, Carina | 2015
The Reverse Gender Gap in Ethnic Discrimination: Employer Stereotypes of Men and Women with Arabic Names
Bursell, Moa , Mahmood Arai & Lena Nekby | 2015
The role of psychosocial school conditions in adolescent prosocial behaviour
Plenty, Stephanie Modin, Bitte & Viveca Östberg | 2015
The Social Consequences of Poverty. An Empirical Test on Longitudinal Data
Mood, Carina , Jonsson, Jan O. | 2015
Politik som organiserad kamp – nya spelare och nya spelregler i Sverige
Svallfors, Stefan | 2014
The Dynamics of Democracy, Development and Cultural Values
Spaiser, Viktoria; Ranganathan, Shyam; Mann, Richard P.; Sumpter, David J.T. 2014
The Multiple Burdens of Foreign-Named Men—Evidence from a Field Experiment on Gendered Ethnic Hiring Discrimination in Sweden
Bursell, Moa | 2014
Workplace Sex Composition and Ischaemic Heart Disease: A Longitudinal Analysis using Swedish Register Data
Barclay, K. and Scott, K. 2014
Democracy and the Common Good: A Study of the Weighted Majority Rule
Berndt Rasmussen, Katharina | 2013
Old friends and new acquaintances: Tie formation mechanisms in an interorganizational network generated by employee mobility
F. Collet, P. Hedström 2013
Class, values, and attitudes towards redistribution: A European comparison (2013)
Svallfors, Stefan , Joakim Kulin | 2013
Crime As A Price Of Inequality? The Gap in Registered Crime between Childhood Immigrants, Children of Immigrants and Children of Native Swedes
Martin Hällsten, Ryszard Szulkin and Jerzy Sarnecki 2013
Cumulative exposure to disadvantage and the intergenerational transmission of neighbourhood effects
Hedman, Lina, David Manley, Maarten van Ham & John Östh 2013
Democratic revolutions as institutional innovation diffusion: Rapid adoption and survival of democracy
Fredrik Jansson, Patrik Lindenfors, Mikael Sandberg 2013
Democratic revolutions as institutional innovation diffusion: Rapid adoption and survival of democracy
Fredrik Jansson, Patrik Lindenfors, Mikael Sandberg 2013
Government quality, egalitarianism, and attitudes to taxes and social spending: a European comparison
Svallfors, Stefan | 2013
Interethnic Friendship, Trust, and Tolerance: Findings from Two North Iraqi Cities
Jens Rydgren, Dana Sofi, and Martin Hällsten 2013
Intergenerational Transmission of Young Motherhood. Evidence from Sweden, 1986 – 2009
Scott, K., M. Stanfors 2013
Life-style and self-rated global health in Sweden: A prospective analysis spanning three decades
Mood, Carina | 2013
Relative Deprivation and Sickness Absence in Sweden
Helgertz, J., Hess, W., and Scott, K. 2013
The Dynamics of Audience Applause
Richard P. Mann, Jolyon Faria, David J. T. Sumpter, Jens Krause 2013
The Phenomenology of Specialization of Criminal Suspects
Edling, Christofer , , Michele Tumminello, Rosario N. Mantegna, Jerzy Sarnecki | 2013
Young Immigrants’ Internet Political Participation in Germany: Comparing German East Europeans and German Turks
Spaiser, Viktoria 2013
Comment on Bratsberg, Raaum and Røed: Educating children of immigrants: Closing the gap in Norwegian schools
Lena Nekby 2012
Exploiting temporal network structures of human interaction to effectively immunize populations
, S. Lee, L- E. C. Rocha | 2012
Family Formation and Men’s and Women’s Attainment of Workplace Authority
M. Bygren, M. Gähler 2012
Intensive Coaching of New Immigrants: An Evaluation Based on Random Program Assignment
L. Nekby, P. Andersson Joona 2012
Social Assistance dynamics in Sweden: Duration dependence and heterogeneity
Mood, Carina | 2012
The prescription of oral contraceptives and its relation to the incidence of Chlamydia and abortion in Sweden 1997
, V. Halvarsson, S. Ström | 2012
The sensitivity of respondent-driven sampling
, X. Lu, L. Bengtsson, T. Britton, M. Camitz, B. J. Kim, A. Thorson | 2012
Visual attention and information transfer in human crowds
Andrew C. Gallup, Joe J. Hale, David J. T. Sumpter, Simon Garnier, Alex Kacelnik, John Krebs, Iain Couzin 2012
A Bedrock of Support? Trends in Welfare State Attitudes in Sweden, 1981–2010
Svallfors, Stefan | 2011
A Dynamical Approach to Stock Market Fluctuations
Stamatios C. Nicolis, David J.T. Sumpter 2011