Acceptance of homosexuality through education? Investigating the role of education, family background and individual characteristics in the United Kingdom.
& Jornt J. Mandemakers | 2017
Gender Differences in Resistance to Schooling: The Role of Dynamic Peer-Influence and Selection Processes
Jonsson, Jan O. , Sara Geven & Frank van Tubergen | 2017
The need for nuance in the null hypothesis significance testing debate
Häggström, Olle | 2017
Women's rights in democratic transitions: A global sequence analysis, 1900–2012.
Lindenfors, Patrik , Wang Y-T, Sundström A, Jansson F & Lindberg SI | 2017
Access to occupational networks and ethnic variation of depressive symptoms in young adults in Sweden
Rydgren, Jens , Alexander Miething & Mikael Rostila | 2017
Demographic and Educational Success of Lineages in Northern Sweden
Kolk, Martin , Martin Hällsten | 2017
Poor Kids? Economic Resources and Adverse Peer Relations in a Nationally Representative Sample of Swedish Adolescents
| 2017
The Role of Education for Intergenerational Income Mobility: A comparison of the United States, Great Britain, and Sweden
Jonsson, Jan O. , Mood, Carina Paul Gregg & Lindsey Macmillan | 2017
The intersection of class origin and immigration background in structuring social capital: the role of transnational ties
Edling, Christofer , Rydgren, Jens & Anton Andersson | 2017
When is it appropriate to reprimand a norm violation? The roles of anger, behavioral consequences, violation severity, and social distance
Strimling, Pontus , Eriksson, Kimmo & Per A. Andersson | 2017
Criminal organizing applying the theory of partial organization to four cases of organized crime.
Rostami, Amir , Mondani, Hernan , Edling, Christofer & Fredrik Liljeros | 2017
Using Register Data to Estimate Causal Effects of Interventions: An Ex Post Synthetic Control-Group Approach
Bygren, Magnus & Ryszard Szulkin | 2017
“Most MPs are Not All that Sharp.” Political Employees and Representative Democracy
Svallfors, Stefan | 2017
Non-state actors in global climate governance: from Copenhagen to Paris and beyond.
Bäckstrand, Karin JW Kuyper, B-0 Linnér & E. Lövbrand | 2017
Organizing on two wheels. Uncovering the organizational patterns of Hells Angels in Sweden.
Mondani, Hernan , Rostami, Amir | 2017
Friendship trust and psychological well-being from late adolescence to early adulthood: A structural equation modelling approach
Edling, Christofer , Rydgren, Jens , Alexander Miething, Ylva B. Almquist & Mikael Rostila | 2017
From Categories to Categorization: A Social Perspective on Market Categorization
Tyllström, Anna Rodolphe Durand & Nina Granqvist | 2017
A popular misapplication of evolutionary modeling to the study of human cooperation
Eriksson, Kimmo , Strimling, Pontus Daniel Cownden | 2017
A Life‐Course Analysis of Geographical Distance to Siblings, Parents, and Grandparents in Sweden
Kolk, Martin | 2017
The Mental Health Advantage of Immigrant‐Background Youth: The Role of Family Factors
Mood, Carina , Jonsson, Jan O. & Sara Brolin Låftman | 2017
Family Structure, Child Living Arrangement and Mothers’ Self-rated Health in Sweden—A Cross-Sectional Study
Sara C. Fritzell | 2017
Retributivism and Public Opinion: On the Context Sensitivity of Desert
Duus-Otterström, Göran | 2017
Costly punishment in the ultimatum game evokes moral concern, in particular when framed as payoff reduction.
Strimling, Pontus , Eriksson, Kimmo Per. A. Andersson & Torun Lindholm | 2017
The Long-Term Cognitive and Socioeconomic Consequences of Birth Intervals: A Within-Family Sibling Comparison Using Swedish Register Data
Kolk, Martin , Kieron J. Barclay | 2017
Legal Power and the Right to Vote: Does the Right to Vote Confer Power?
Beckman, Ludvig | 2017
Non-Cognitivism and Fundamental Moral Certitude: Reply to Eriksson and Francén Olinder
Bykvist, Krister & Jonas Olson | 2017
Divided by Memories? Beliefs about the Past, Ethnic Boundaries, and Trust in Northern Iraq.
Rydgren, Jens , Dana Sofi & Martin Hällsten | 2017
Social Capital, Friendship Networks, and Youth Unemployment.
Edling, Christofer , Rydgren, Jens & Martin Hällsten | 2017
Freedom as Non-domination and Democratic Inclusion
Beckman, Ludvig & Jonas Hultin Rosenberg, | 2017
Educational Expansion and Intergenerational Proximity in Sweden
Kolk, Martin , Margarita Chudnovskaya | 2017
Do Employers Prefer Fathers? Evidence from a Field Experiment Testing the Gender by Parenthood Interaction Effect on Callbacks to Job Applications
Bygren, Magnus , Anni Erlandsson | 2017