School Demands and Coping Resources−Associations with Multiple Measures of Stress in Mid-Adolescent Girls and Boys.
Plenty, Stephanie , Östberg, V., Låftman S. B., Modin, B. & Lindfors, P. | 2018
Emergent Cultural Differences in Online Communities’ Norms of Fairness
Strimling, Pontus & Frey, S. | 2018
Generosity pays: Selfish people have fewer children and earn less money
Strimling, Pontus , Vartanova, Irina , Eriksson, Kimmo & Simpson, B. | 2018
Democratic legitimacy does not require constitutional referendum. On ‘the constitution’ in theories of constituent power
Beckman, Ludvig | 2018
Is risk aversion irrational? Examining the “fallacy” of large numbers
Stefánsson, H. Orri | 2018
Strategies for an unfriendly oracle AI with reset button
Häggström, Olle | 2018
How are our young adults doing? A report on labour market activities and living conditions
Plenty, Stephanie , Mood, Carina , Rudolphi, Frida , | 2018
Legitimacy in Global Governance. Sources, Processes, and Consequences.
Bäckstrand, Karin , Tallberg, Jonas & Jan Aart Scholte | 2018
På spaning efter etik. Etisk kompetens och ansvarstagande för ledning och styrning av hälso- och sjukvården.
Falkenström, Erica & Anna T. Höglund | 2018
Consumption-based emissions accounting: the normative debate
Duus-Otterström, Göran & Fredrik D. Hjorthen | 2018
A Game of Stars: Active SETI, radical translation and the Hobbesian trap
Jebari, Karim Niklas Olsson-Yaouzis | 2018
The status of ethics in Swedish health care management: a qualitative study
Falkenström, Erica & Anna T. Höglund | 2018
Harm and Discrimination
Berndt Rasmussen, Katharina | 2018
Organiserad antagonism: Överlappningen mellan våldsbejakande extremism och organiserad brottslighet.
Rostami, Amir , | 2017
The intelligence explosion revisited
Jebari, Karim & Joakim Lundborg | 2018
Children and the right to vote
Beckman, Ludvig | 2018
Sverigedemokraternas väljare. Vilka är de, var kommer de ifrån och vart är de på väg?
Jylhä, Kirsti , Rydgren, Jens , Strimling, Pontus | 2018
Recent Work on Reflective Equilibrium and Method in Ethics
Tersman, Folke | 2018
The indispensability of sufficientarianism
Herlitz, Anders | 2018
Personhood and legal status: reflections on the democratic rights of corporations
Beckman, Ludvig | 2018
The Democratic Boundary Problem Reconsidered
Arrhenius, Gustaf | 2018
Birth Intervals and Health in Adulthood: A Comparison of Siblings Using Swedish Register Data
Kolk, Martin & Kieron J. Barclay | 2018
The Swedish Mujahideen. An exploratory study of 41 Swedish foreign fighters deceased in Iraq and Syria.
Edling, Christofer , Rostami, Amir , Mondani, Hernan , , P.Thevselius & J.Sarnecki | 2018
Increased Gun Violence Among Young Males in Sweden: A Descriptive National Survey and International Comparison
Rostami, Amir , Mondani, Hernan , Edling, Christofer , , Gerell, Manne, & Sarnecki, Jerzy | 2018
Increased Gun Violence Among Young Males in Sweden: a Descriptive National Survey and International Comparison.
Rostami, Amir , Mondani, Hernan , Edling, Christofer , , M. Gerell & J.Sarnecki | 2018
Too much or too little? A short-term longitudinal study of youth's own economic resources and risk behaviour.
Plenty, Stephanie | 2018
Rethinking intimacy: Semi-anonymous spaces and transitory attachments in Argentine tango dancing
| 2018
Ethnic variations in mental health among 10–15-year-olds living in England and Wales: The impact of neighbourhood characteristics and parental behaviour
Vartanova, Irina , Kenisha Russell Jonsson & Marita Södergren | 2018
Diversity preferences among employees and ethnoracial workplace segregation
Bursell, Moa , Fredrik Jansson | 2018
Hur går det för våra unga vuxna? En rapport om sysselsättning och levnadsvillkor
Plenty, Stephanie , Mood, Carina , Rudolphi, Frida , | 2018
On Revolutions
Lindenfors, Patrik , Armand M. Leroi, Ben Lambert, Matthias Mauch, Marina Papadopoulou, Sophia Ananiadou, Staffan I. Lindberg | 2018
Investigating sequences in ordinal data: A new approach with adapted evolutionary models.
Lindenfors, Patrik , Fredrik Jansson, Yi-ting Wang and Staffan I. Lindberg. | 2018
Replikskifte: Replik till Marcus Agnafors
Berndt Rasmussen, Katharina | 2018
Against lifetime QALY prioritarianism
Herlitz, Anders | 2018
Restricted completion of sparse partial Latin squares.
Markström, Klas , L. Andrén & C. Casselgren | 2018
Near-repeat shootings in contemporary Sweden 2011 to 2015
Rostami, Amir , ,Gerell, Manne & Anders Sandholm | 2018
What's (not) underpinning ambivalent sexism?: Revisiting the roles of ideology, religiosity, personality, demographics, and men's facial hair in explaining hostile and benevolent sexism
Jylhä, Kirsti , Kahl Hellmer & Johanna T. Stenson | 2018
Asymmetries in punishment propensity may drive the civilizing process
Strimling, Pontus , Eriksson, Kimmo , Mícheál de Barra | 2018
School Contextual Features of Social Disorder and Mental Health Complaints - A Multilevel Analysis of Swedish Sixth-Grade Students
Plenty, Stephanie Bitte Modin, Sara B. Låftman, Malin Bergström, Marie Berlin, Per A. Gustafsson, Anders Hjern | 2018
Denial versus reality of climate change.
Jylhä, Kirsti | 2018
Microlevel Prioritizations and Incommensurability
Herlitz, Anders | 2018
Ett manifest för sociala framsteg. Idéer för ett bättre samhälle
Marc Fleurbaey, Olivier Bouin, Marie-Laure Salles-Djelic, Ravi Kanbur, Helga Nowotny, Elisa Reis 2018
Förbjuden framtid? Den digitala kommunen
Ekholm, Anders , Jebari, Karim Drasko Markovic | 2018
Resilient privatization: the puzzling case of for-profit welfare providers in Sweden
Svallfors, Stefan , Tyllström, Anna | 2018
Comparativism and the Grounds for Person-Centered Care and Shared Decision Making
Herlitz, Anders | 2017
Cultural Universals and Cultural Differences in Meta-Norms about Peer Punishment
Strimling, Pontus , Vartanova, Irina , Eriksson, Kimmo Per A. Andersson, Mark Aveyard, Markus Brauer, Vladimir Gritskov, Toko Kiyonari, David M. Kuhlman, Angela T. Maitner, Zoi Manesi, Catherine Molho, Leonard S. Peperkoorn, Muhammad Rizwan, Adam W. Stivers, Qirui Tian, Paul A. M. Van Lange, Junhui Wu & Toshio Yamagishi | 2017
Review of Ingmar Persson’s Inclusive Ethics: Extending Beneficence and Egalitarian Justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, 288 pp.
Campbell, Tim | 2017
In Sweden we shake hands – but are we really?
Edling, Christofer , Rydgren, Jens & Anton Andersson | 2017
Replik till Marcus Agnafors
Berndt Rasmussen, Katharina | 2017