Desire, Expectation, and Invariance
Stefánsson, H. Orri & Richard Bradley | 2016
Det digitala samhällskontraktet
Ekholm, Anders | 2016
Digitaliseringen och välfärden: nya möjligheter och utmaningar
Jebari, Karim | 2016
DNA - till nytta för vår hälsa?
Ekholm, Anders | 2016
How much scope for a mobility paradox? The relationship between social and income mobility in Sweden
Mood, Carina , Jonsson, Jan O. , Richard Breen | 2016
Knowing the game: motivation and skills among policy professionals
Svallfors, Stefan | 2016
Knowing the Game: Motivations and Skills Among Partisan Policy Professionals
Svallfors, Stefan | 2016
Out of the Golden Cage: PR and the career opportunities of policy professionals
Svallfors, Stefan | 2016
Politics as organized combat – new players and new rules of the game in Sweden
Svallfors, Stefan | 2016
Population Ethics and Different-Number-Based Imprecision
Arrhenius, Gustaf | 2016
Power and future people’s freedom: intergenerational domination, climate change, and constitutionalism
Beckman, Ludvig | 2016
Poverty trends during two recessions and two recoveries: Lessons from Sweden 1991—2013
Mood, Carina , Jonsson, Jan O. , Erik Bihagen | 2016
Social Exclusion among Peers: The Role of Immigrant Status and Classroom Immigrant Density.
Plenty, Stephanie , Jonsson, Jan O. | 2016
What Is ‘Real’ in Probabilism?
Stefánsson, H. Orri | 2016
Social dominance orientation and climate change denial: The role of dominance and system justification
Jylhä, Kirsti & Nazar Akrami | 2015
Rethinking the Green State: Environmental Governance toward Climate and Sustainability Transitions
Bäckstrand, Karin & A. Kronsell | 2015
Modeling bacterial attenuation in onsite waste-water treatment systems using the active region model and column-scale data
Engström, Emma & H-H. Liu | 2015
The Value of Existence
Arrhenius, Gustaf , Wlodek Rabinowicz | 2015
Value Superiority
Arrhenius, Gustaf , Rabinowicz , Wlodek | 2015
The complexity of crime network data: A case study of its consequences for crime control and the study of networks.
Mondani, Hernan , Rostami, Amir | 2015
Allegiance Eroding: People’s Dwindling Willingness to Fight in Wars
Puranen, Bi | 2015
Being and Well-Being
Bykvist, Krister | 2015
Debunking and Disagreement
Tersman, Folke | 2015
Declining willingness to fight for one’s country: The individual-level basis of the long peace
Puranen, Bi , Inglehart R.F., Welzel C, | 2015
Det biologiska samhället
Ekholm, Anders | 2015
Disease prioritarianism: A Flawed Principle
Jebari, Karim | 2015
Do poorer youth have fewer friends? The role of household and child economic resources in adolescent school-class friendships
Mood, Carina , | 2015
Erkännandets sociologi
| 2015
Estimating Social and Ethnic Inequality in School Surveys: Biases from Child Misreporting and Parent Nonresponse
Jonsson, Jan O. , | 2015
Ethnicity in England: What Parents' Country of Birth Can and Can't Tell Us about Their Children's Ethnic Identification.
, Parameshwaran, M. | 2015
Fair Chance and Modal Consequentialism
Stefánsson, H. Orri | 2015
Fairness-based retributivism reconsidered
Duus-Otterström, Göran | 2015
Graffiti: A precursor to future deviant behaviour during adolescence?
Plenty, Stephanie , Knut Sundell | 2015
Group differences in broadness of values may drive dynamics of public opinion on moral issues
Eriksson, Kimmo , Strimling, Pontus | 2015
How Valuable are Chances?
Stefánsson, H. Orri , Richard Bradley | 2015
Injunctive Versus Functional Inferences From Descriptive Norms Comment on Gelfand and Harrington
Eriksson, Kimmo , Strimling, Pontus | 2015
Inkludering och exkludering på den svenska arbetsmarknaden
Bursell, Moa | 2015
Klimatetik: Rättvisa, Politik och Individens Ansvar
Duus-Otterström, Göran , Brülde, Bengt | 2015
Kreativitetens människa: om konsten att ställa sig i hörnet och vikten av att vårda sina fiender.
Svallfors, Stefan | 2015
Makt utan mandat. De policyprofessionella i svensk politik
Svallfors, Stefan , Christina Garsten, Bo Rothstein | 2015
Modeling the Evolution of Creoles
Strimling, Pontus , Jansson, F., Parkvall, M. | 2015
Moderators of the disapproval of peer punishment
Eriksson, Kimmo , Strimling, Pontus , Andersson, P.A. | 2015
Of Malthus and Methuselah: does longevity treatment aggravate global catastrophic risks?
Jebari, Karim | 2015
Per Olov Enquist: Maktens mekanik
Svallfors, Stefan | 2015
Politikproffs i kulisserna styr utan demokratiskt mandat
Svallfors, Stefan , Christina Garsten, Bo Rothstein | 2015
Replik till Torbjörn Tännsjö
Berndt Rasmussen, Katharina | 2015
Reply to Orsi
Bykvist, Krister | 2015
Review of A World Without Values. Essays on John Mackie’s Moral Error Theory
Tersman, Folke | 2015