Artiklar i Framtider nr 1/2001
Tema: Språk och territorium - demokrati över gränserna. 2001
Artiklar i Framtider nr 2/2001
Tema: Rymden 2001
Artiklar i Framtider nr 3/2001
Tema: Indien 2001
Artiklar i Framtider nr 4/2001
Tema: Är det möjligt att forska om framtiden? 2001
Challenges for the Local Communities
Erik Westholm 2001
Demografi och politisk kultur: ett ekonomiskt-historiskt perspektiv på ”den starka statens fall”
Lena Sommestad & Bo Malmberg 2001
Det utmanande lokalsamhället
Erik Westholm 2001
Education and Research in Times of Population Ageing
Lena Sommestad 2001
From Malthus to Modern Growth: Can Epidemics Explain the Three Regimes?
Nils-Petter Lagerlöf 2001
Health and Wealth: the Contribution of Welfare State Policies to Economic Growth
Lena Sommestad 2001
Heavy Trends in Global Developments: Idea Platform For MISTRA’s Future Strategy
Bo Malmberg and Lena Sommestad 2001
Artiklar i Framtider nr 1/2000
Tema: Demografi och demokrati. 2000
Artiklar i Framtider nr 2/2000
Tema: Boendet i framtiden 2000
Artiklar i Framtider nr 3/2000
Tema: Global miljö - problem i förändring 2000
Artiklar i Framtider nr 4/2000
Tema: Den unga generationen 2000
Four Phases in Demographic Transition: Implications for Economic and Social Developments in Sweden 1820-2000
Bo Malmberg and Lena Sommestad 2000
From Transfers to Individual Responsibility: Implications for Savings and Capital Accumulation in Taiwan and the United States
Ronald Lee, Andrew Mason & Timothy Miller 2000
Heavy Trends in Global Developments: Idea Platform For MISTRA’s Future Strategy
Bo Malmberg och Lena Sommestad 2000
Natural Selection and the Origin of Economic Growth
Odad Galor and Omer Moav 2000
On the Role of Health in the Economic and Demographic Dynamics of Brazil, 1980-1995
David Mayer 2000
On the Role of Health in the Economic and Demographic Dynamics of Brazil, 1980-1995
David Mayer 2000
Tunga trender i den globala utvecklingen
Bo Malmberg & Lena Sommestad 2000
Social Mechanisms: An Analytical Approach to Social Theory
P. Hedström, R. Swedberg 1998
A Dynamical Approach to Stock Market Fluctuations
Stamatios C. Nicolis, David J.T. Sumpter
A legacy of 'Uncivicness'? Social Capital and Radical Right-wing Voting in Eastern Europe
J. Rydgren
Genväg till Nära Vård. Förändrade resultat kräver förändrat arbetssätt
Ekholm, Anders , Caesar, Ina
Heavy-Tailed Distribution of Seclusion and Restraint Episodes in a State Psychiatric Hospital
, P. D. Whitehead
Inferring the Rules of Interaction of Shoaling Fish
James E. Herbert-Read, Andrea Perna, Richard P. Mann, Timothy M. Schaerf, David J. T. Sumpter, Ashley J W Ward
Interethnic Relations in Northern Iraq: Brokerage, Social Capital, and the Potential for Reconciliation
J. Rydgren, D. Sofi
Is Early Retirement Encouraged by the Employer? Labor-Demand Effects of Age-Related Collective Fees
Daniel Hallberg
Moulding Parents’ Childcare? A Comparative Analysis of Paid Work and Time with Children in Different Family Policy Models
M. Bygren, A-Z. Duvander, T. Ferrarini
Radical Right-wing Populism in Denmark and Sweden: Explaining Party System Change and Stability
J. Rydgren
Simulated epidemics in an empirical spatiotemporal network of 50,185 sexual contacts
, L. E. C. Rocha
Welfare Attitudes in Context
Svallfors, Stefan