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Verksamhetsrapport 2021


Networked reports: Commissioning and production of expert reports on Swedish healthcare governance

Svallfors, Stefan , Falkenström, Erica , Hammar, Corrie & Anna T. Höglund | 2022

Nuorten ilmastoahdistus ja ympäristötunteet

Jylhä, Kirsti , Pihkala, P. & J. Sangervo | 2022

Sex Selection for Daughters: Demographic Consequences of Female-Biased Sex Ratios

Kolk, Martin , Jebari, Karim | 2022

Counterradicalization Interventions. A Review of the Evidence

Wolfowicz, Michael , Weisburd, David & Badi Hasisi | 2022

Studies on the democratic boundary problem

Andric, Vuko , Beckman, Ludvig , Arrhenius, Gustaf , Gosseries, Axel , Berndt Rasmussen, Katharina , Markström, Klas , , Goodin, Robert E., Miller, David & Jonas Hultin Rosenberg | 2022

Artificial intelligence and the changing sources of competitive advantage

Krakowski, Sebastian , Luger, J. & S. Raisch | 2022

Excess mortality and COVID-19 in Sweden in 2020: A demographic account

Kolk, Martin , Drefahl, Sven, Wallace, Matthew & Gunnar Andersson | 2022

Episodes of Regime Transformation Dataset (v4.0) & Codebook. Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) Project

Lindenfors, Patrik ; Edgell, AB; Maerz, SF; Maxwell, L; Morgan, R; Medzihorsky, J; Wilson, MC; Boese, VA; Hellmeier, S; Lachapelle, J; Lührmann, A & SI Lindberg | 2022

How Large Will the Ukrainian Refugee Flow Be, and Which EU Countries Will They Seek Refuge In?

Hammar, Olle , Elinder, M. & O. Erixson | 2022

Making confident decisions with model ensembles

Roussos, Joe R. Bradley, & R. Frigg | 2022

The value of values in climate science

Roussos, Joe Pulkkinen, K., S. Undorf, F. Bender, P. Wikman-Svahn, F. Doblas-Reyes, C. Flynn, G. Hegerl, A. Jönsson, G-K. Leung, T. Shepherd, E. Thompson | 2022

The popular sovereignty of Indigenous peoples: a challenge in multi-people states

Mörkenstam, Ulf , Beckman, Ludvig & Kirsty Gover | 2021

Moral Disagreement

Tersman, Folke | 2021


Beckman, Ludvig | 2021

Normative Formal Epistemology as Modelling

Roussos, Joe | 2021

Studies on climate ethics and future generations vol. 4

Arrhenius, Gustaf , Finneron-Burns, Elizabeth , Campbell, Tim , Kolk, Martin , Mosquera, Julia , Duus-Otterström, Göran , Stefánsson, H. Orri , Roberts, Melinda A. , Herlitz, Anders , Bykvist, Krister , , Paul Bou-Habib, Serena Olsaretti, Edward A. Page, Henrik Andersson, Eric Brandstedt, Partha Dasgupta & S.J. Beard | 2021

Migranters attityder och värderingar

Hammar, Olle | 2021

Changes in young adults' mental well-being before and during the early stage of the COVID-10 pandemic: disparities between ethnic groups in Germany

Plenty, Stephanie Bracegirdle, C., Dollmann, J. & O. Spiegler | 2021

What is a social pattern? Rethinking a central social science term

Mondani, Hernan & Richard Swedberg | 2021

Uncovering the degree of criminal organization: Swedish street gangs and the role of mobility and co-offending networks

Mondani, Hernan , Rostami, Amir | 2021

Utilitarianism without Moral Aggregation

Gustafsson, Johan E. | 2021

Belief Revision for Growing Awareness

Steele, Katie , Stefánsson, H. Orri | 2021

Med migranternas röst II. Hur blir man värmlänning?

Puranen, Bi | 2021

No Escape from Tradition? Source Country Culture and Gendered Employment Patterns among Immigrants in Sweden

Fairbrother, Malcolm & Anne Grönlund | 2021

All makt åt folket: Om en bortglömd idé

Beckman, Ludvig | 2021

Evidence from a long-term experiment that collective risks change social norms and promote cooperation

Andrighetto, Giulia Szekely, A., Lipari, F., Antonioni, A., Paolucci, M., Sánchez, A. & L. Tummolini | 2021

Klimat och moral. Nio tankar om hettan

Linton, Magnus , Jebari, Karim , Broome, John , Tersman, Folke , Mosquera, Julia , Duus-Otterström, Göran , Campbell, Tim Andersson, Jenny, Westholm, Erik & Anna-Maria Hällgren | 2021

Ethical machine decisions and the input-selection problem

Lundgren, Björn | 2021

A community of shared values? Dimensions and dynamics of cultural integration in the European Union

Hien, Josef , Akaliyski, P. & C. Welzel | 2021

The institutional order of liberalization

Lindenfors, Patrik , Edgell, AB; Boese, VA; Maerz, SF & SI Lindberg | 2021

Beyond Uncertainty. Reasoning with Unknown Possibilities

Stefánsson, H. Orri , Steele, Katie | 2021

The bias of adapted patients in practice

Mosquera, Julia | 2021

Self-Driving Vehicles — an Ethical Overview

Lundgren, Björn Hansson, S. O. & M. Belin | 2021

Does employer discrimination contribute to the subordinate labor market inclusion of individuals of a foreign background?

Bursell, Moa , Bygren, Magnus & Michael Gähler | 2021

Toward a hybrid theory of how to allocate health-related resources

Herlitz, Anders | 2021

Positive Egalitarianism Reconsidered

Arrhenius, Gustaf , Mosquera, Julia | 2021

Input and output in distributive theory

Herlitz, Anders & Nir Eyal | 2021

Integration bland unga i Sverige

Jonsson, Jan O. | 2021

Social choice, nondeterminacy and public reasoning

Herlitz, Anders & Karim Sadek | 2021

Verksamhetsrapport 2020


Where Does Europe End? Christian Democracy and the Expansion of Europe

Hien, Josef & Fabio Wolkenstein | 2021

Prioritarianism, timeslices, and prudential value

Herlitz, Anders , Andric, Vuko | 2021

Etiska avvägningar i pandemitider

Arrhenius, Gustaf , Bykvist, Krister , Tersman, Folke & Rebecca Thorburn Stern | 2021