Women in violent extremism in Sweden
Mondani, Hernan , Rostami, Amir , Edling, Christofer , Askanius, Tina & Jerzy Sarnecki | 2021
Measuring Cultural Dimensions: External Validity and Internal Consistency of Hofstede's VSM 2013 Scales
Eriksson, Kimmo & Philipp Gerlach | 2021
Studies on climate ethics and future generations vol. 3
Roussos, Joe , Spears, Dean , Stefánsson, H. Orri , Steele, Katie , Broome, John , Campbell, Tim , Greaves, Hilary , Roberts, Melinda A. , Herlitz, Anders , Cusbert, John & Nicholas Lawson | 2021
Överdödlighet och dödlighet i covid-19 i Sverige under 2020
Kolk, Martin , Drefahl, Sven, Wallace, Matthew & Gunnar Andersson | 2021
Chinese Citizen Satisfaction with Government Performance during COVID-19
Fairbrother, Malcolm , Wu, Cary , Shi, Zhilei , Wilkes, Rima, Wu, Jiaji, Zhiwen, Gong, Nengkun He, Zang Xiao, Xiaojun, Zhang, Weijun Lai, Dongxia, Zhou, Feng, Zhao, Xiufang, Yin, Ping Xiong, Hao, Zhou, Qinghua, Chu, Libin, Cao, Ruijing, Tian, Yu Tan, Liyong, Yang, Zexuan, He, Mews, Jan & Giuseppe Nicola Giordano | 2021
Do we need dual-process theory to understand implicit bias? A study of the nature of implicit bias against Muslims
Bursell, Moa & Filip Olsson | 2021
Different Populations Agree on Which Moral Arguments Underlie Which Opinions
Vartanova, Irina , Eriksson, Kimmo , Strimling, Pontus & Isabela Hazin | 2021
Resisting assimilation – ethnic boundary maintenance among Jews in Sweden
Bursell, Moa & David Grobgeld | 2021
“I just want to be the friendly face of national socialism” The turn to civility in the cultural expressions of neo-Nazism in Sweden
Askanius, Tina | 2021
Experiences matter: A longitudinal study of individual-level sources of declining social trust in the United States.
Fairbrother, Malcolm , Mewes, Jan, Giordano, Nicola Guiseppe, Wu, Cary & Rima Wilkes | 2021
Symposium on the ethics of economic ordeals: Introduction
Herlitz, Anders & Nir Eyal | 2021
Do income and marriage mediate the relationship between cognitive ability and fertility? Data from Swedish taxation and conscriptions registers for men born 1951-1967
Kolk, Martin & Kieron Barclay | 2021
The long shadow of lobbying: ideational power of lobbying as illustrated by welfare profits in Sweden
Selling, Niels | 2021
Women's experience of child death over the life course: A global demographic perspective
Kolk, Martin , Alburez-Gutierrez, Diego & Emilio Zagheni | 2021
Government transfers to parents and population policy in a global perspective: An economic demographic approach
Kolk, Martin | 2021
Culture and tax avoidance: the case of Italy
Hien, Josef | 2021
Internalising and externalising problems during adolescence and the subsequent likelihood of being Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) among males and females: The mediating role of school performance
Plenty, Stephanie ; Charlotta Magnusson; Sara Brolin Låftman | 2021
Justicia Intergeneracional
Mosquera, Julia | 2021
Vaccine confidence is higher in more religious countries
Eriksson, Kimmo , Vartanova, Irina | 2021
On the Methodological Difficulty of Identifying Implicit Racial Beliefs and Stereotypes
Bursell, Moa & Filip Olsson | 2020
Trump och de policyprofessionella – medeltidens återkomst?
Svallfors, Stefan | 2020
Emmanuel Anati: The Origins of Religion. A Study in Conceptual Anthropology
Lindenfors, Patrik | 2020
Deep learning diffusion by infusion into preexisting technologies - Implications for users and society at large.
Engström, Emma , Strimling, Pontus | 2020
Acceptance of group‐based dominance and climate change denial: A cross‐cultural study in Hong Kong, New Zealand, and Sweden
Jylhä, Kirsti Tam, Kim-Pong & Taciano L. Milfont | 2020
Moral Realism and the Argument from Skepticism
Tersman, Folke & Olle Risberg | 2020
Expert deference as a belief revision schema
Roussos, Joe | 2020
Climate Change Denial among Radical Right-Wing Supporters
Jylhä, Kirsti , Strimling, Pontus , Rydgren, Jens | 2020
Residential context and COVID-19 mortality among adults aged 70 years and older in Stockholm: a population-based, observational study using individual-level data
Kolk, Martin , Branden, Maria, Aradhya, Siddartha, Härkönen, Juho, Drefahl, Sven, Malmberg, Bo, Rostila, Mikael, Cederström, Agneta, Andersson, Gunnar & Mussino, Eleonora | 2020
Ahdistuksen vai innostuksen ilmasto? Ilmastoviestinnän ja -kasvatuksen keinoja ilmastoahdistuksesta selviytymiseen
Jylhä, Kirsti , Pihkala, P., Cantell, H., Lyytimäki, J., Paloniemi, R., Pulkka, A., & I. Ratinen | 2020
The Constant Gap: Parenthood Premiums in Sweden 1968–2010
Bygren, Magnus , & Charlotta Magnusson | 2020
The Matthew effect in political science: head start and key reforms important for democratization
Lindenfors, Patrik & Matthew Wilson & Staffan I. Lindberg | 2020
Artificial superintelligence and its limits: why AlphaZero cannot become a general agent
Jebari, Karim & Lundborg, J | 2020
Improving on and assessing ethical guidelines for digital tracking and tracing systems for pandemics
Lundgren, Björn | 2020
Consequentialism, ignorance, and uncertainty
Bykvist, Krister | 2020
Lindenfors, Patrik | 2020
Moral Uncertainty
Bykvist, Krister , MacAskill, William & Toby Ord | 2020
Students’ occupational aspirations: Can family relationships account for differences between immigrant and socioeconomic groups?
Plenty, Stephanie , Jonsson, Jan O. | 2020
Transformative Experience and the Shark Problem
Mosquera, Julia , Campbell, Tim | 2020
Why Inflicting Disability is Wrong: The Mere Difference View and The Causation Based Objection
Mosquera, Julia | 2020
Basinkomstens nya våg - Lärdomar från medborgarlönsexperiment i välfärdsstater
Birnbaum, Simon; De Wispelaere, Jurgen; van der Veen, Robert, Halmetoja, Antti; Pulkka, Ville-Veikko | 2020
Catastrophic risk
Stefánsson, H. Orri | 2020
Does education indoctrinate?
Vartanova, Irina & Ishac Diwan | 2020
Sequences of democracy and development
Lindenfors, Patrik , Lindberg, Staffan, Mechkova, Valeriya & Berker Kavasoglu | 2020
Vad vet migranter om Sverige?
Puranen, Bi | 2020
Persson's merely possible persons
Bykvist, Krister & Tim Campbell | 2020
Speed and Concentration of the Covering Time for Structured Coupon Collectors
Markström, Klas , Falgas-Ravry, Victor & Larsson, Joel | 2020
Biased grades? Changes in grading after a blinding of examinations reform
Bygren, Magnus | 2019
Innehåll i Framtider 1/2020
Tema: Forskningsperspektiv i coronatider 2020
Persson’s Merely Possible Persons
Bykvist, Krister , Campbell, Tim | 2020