
Här hittar du texter skrivna av forskare som är knutna till Institutet för framtidsstudier. Alla publikationer utgör inte resultatet av forskning inom Institutets forskningsprogram, men genom sina författare och ämnen knyter de an till vår verksamhet.
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Governing the Climate-Energy Nexus: Institutional Complexity and Its Challenges to Effectiveness and Legitimacy

Bäckstrand, Karin , Fariborz, Zelli, Nasiritousi, Naghmeh, Skovgaard, Jakob & Widerberg, Oscar | 2020

Verksamhetsrapport 2019


Studies on climate ethics and future generations vol. 2

Berndt Rasmussen, Katharina , Arrhenius, Gustaf , Bykvist, Krister , Roberts, Melinda A. , Rabinowicz , Wlodek , Duus-Otterström, Göran , Campbell, Tim , Steele, Katie , Spears, Dean , Jylhä, Kirsti , Strimling, Pontus , Rydgren, Jens , Fairbrother, Malcolm , | 2020

The Complexity of Mental Integer Addition

& Markus Pantsar | 2020

The value of life and the challenge to value aggregation

Herlitz, Anders , Hassoun, Nicole & Lucio Esposito | 2020

Putting costs and benefits of ordeals together

Herlitz, Anders | 2020

Spectrum arguments, parity and persistency

Herlitz, Anders | 2020

The Sequential Dominance Argument for the Independence Condition of Expected Utility Theory

Gustafsson, Johan E. | 2020

Defining Information Security

Lundgren, Björn & Möller, N | 2019

The Peculiar Market for Political Skills

Svallfors, Stefan , Selling, Niels | 2020

Against AI-improved Personal Memory

Lundgren, Björn | 2020

Safety requirements vs. crashing ethically: what matters most for policies on autonomous vehicles

Lundgren, Björn | 2020

A patch to the possibility part of Gödel’s Ontological Proof

Gustafsson, Johan E. | 2020

Recension av Miracles in Medieval Canonizations Processes

Myrdal, Janken 2019

Three Mistakes in the Moral Reasoning About the Covid-19 Pandemic

Stefánsson, H. Orri | 2020

Edge Precoloring Extension of Hypercubes

Markström, Klas , Casselgren, Carl Johan & Lan Anh Pham | 2020

Review of Elinor Mason’s Ways to be Blameworthy

Bykvist, Krister & Gunnar Björnsson | 2020

Accelerating the Evolution of Nonhuman Primate Neuroimaging

Lindenfors, Patrik , et al. | 2020

Successful and failed episodes of democratization: conceptualization, identication, and description

Lindenfors, Patrik , Wilson MC, Morgan R, Medzihorsky J, Maxwell L, Maerz SF, Lührmann A, Edgell AB, Boese V & Lindberg SI | 2020

The Relation Between Gender Egalitarian Values and Gender Differences in Academic Achievement

Eriksson, Kimmo , Vartanova, Irina , | 2020

Implicit Bias and Discrimination

Berndt Rasmussen, Katharina | 2020

Insecurity and political values in the Arab world

Vartanova, Irina , Cammet, Melani & Ishac Diwan | 2020

Nondeterminacy, cycles and rational choice

Herlitz, Anders | 2020

Disagreement, Indirect Defeat, and Higher-Order Evidence

Tersman, Folke & Olle Risberg | 2020

Establishing pathways to democracy using domination analysis

Lindenfors, Patrik , Edgell AB, Boese VA, Maerz SF & Lindberg SI | 2020

Quasi-realism and normative certitude

Bykvist, Krister , Björkholm, Stina & Jonas Olson | 2020

The Inner World of Research - On Academic Labor

Svallfors, Stefan | 2020

Recent Debates on Victims' Duties to Resist Their Oppression

| 2020

A Dilemma for Privacy as Control

Lundgren, Björn | 2020

Dennett and Taylor’s alleged refutation of the Consequence Argument

Gustafsson, Johan E. | 2020

Against the De Minimis Principle

Lundgren, Björn , Stefánsson, H. Orri | 2020

D3.3 Report on regulatory options

Lundgren, Björn Rodrigues, Rowena & Laulhe Shaelou, Stephanie | 2020

Implementing the Water Framework Directive and Tackling Diffuse Pollution from Agriculture: Lessons from England and Scotland

Fairbrother, Malcolm , De Vito, Laura & Duncan Russel | 2020

Two Decades of Same-Sex Marriage in Sweden: A Demographic Account of Developments in Marriage, Childbearing, and Divorce

Kolk, Martin & Andersson, Gunnar | 2020

On revolutions

Lindenfors, Patrik , Armand M. Leroi, Ben Lambert, Matthias Mauch, Marina Papadopoulou, Sophia Ananiadou & Staffan I. Lindberg | 2020

#MeToo, Social Norms, and Sanctions

Berndt Rasmussen, Katharina & Nicolas Olsson Yaouzis | 2020

Basinkomstens nya våg - Lärdomar från medborgarlönsexperiment i välfärdsstater

Birnbaum, Simon; De Wispelaere, Jurgen; van der Veen, Robert, Halmetoja, Antti; Pulkka, Ville-Veikko | 2020

Beyond the Concept of Anonymity: What is Really at Stake?

Lundgren, Björn | 2020

Explaining health disparities between heterosexual and LGB adolescents by integrating the minority stress and psychological mediation frameworks: Findings from the TRAILS study

Kiekens, W.J., C. , Bos, H., Kretschmer, T., van Bergen, D. D., & Veenstra, R. | 2020

Folk & vilja: Ett försvar av demokratin i vår tid

Tersman, Folke & Torbjörn Tännsjö | 2020

How software developers can fix part of GDPR’s problem of click-through consents

Lundgren, Björn | 2020

Non-transitive better than relations and rational choice

Herlitz, Anders | 2020

Peers and Homophobic Attitudes in Adolescence: Examining Selection and Influence Processes in Friendships and Antipathies

Dijkstra, J. K., Kretschmer, T., Savickaitė, R., & Veenstra, R. | 2020

Politics for hire. The world and work of policy professionals

Svallfors, Stefan | 2020