Governing the Climate-Energy Nexus: Institutional Complexity and Its Challenges to Effectiveness and Legitimacy
Bäckstrand, Karin , Fariborz, Zelli, Nasiritousi, Naghmeh, Skovgaard, Jakob & Widerberg, Oscar | 2020
Studies on climate ethics and future generations vol. 2
Berndt Rasmussen, Katharina , Arrhenius, Gustaf , Bykvist, Krister , Roberts, Melinda A. , Rabinowicz , Wlodek , Duus-Otterström, Göran , Campbell, Tim , Steele, Katie , Spears, Dean , Jylhä, Kirsti , Strimling, Pontus , Rydgren, Jens , Fairbrother, Malcolm , | 2020
The Complexity of Mental Integer Addition
& Markus Pantsar | 2020
The value of life and the challenge to value aggregation
Herlitz, Anders , Hassoun, Nicole & Lucio Esposito | 2020
Putting costs and benefits of ordeals together
Herlitz, Anders | 2020
Spectrum arguments, parity and persistency
Herlitz, Anders | 2020
European integration and the reconstitution of socio-economic ideologies: Protestant ordoliberalism vs social Catholicism
Hien, Josef | 2020
The Sequential Dominance Argument for the Independence Condition of Expected Utility Theory
Gustafsson, Johan E. | 2020
Defining Information Security
Lundgren, Björn & Möller, N | 2019
Right-Wing Populism and Climate Change Denial: The Roles of Exclusionary and Anti-Egalitarian Preferences, Conservative Ideology, and Antiestablishment Attitudes
Jylhä, Kirsti | 2020
The Peculiar Market for Political Skills
Svallfors, Stefan , Selling, Niels | 2020
Against AI-improved Personal Memory
Lundgren, Björn | 2020
Safety requirements vs. crashing ethically: what matters most for policies on autonomous vehicles
Lundgren, Björn | 2020
A patch to the possibility part of Gödel’s Ontological Proof
Gustafsson, Johan E. | 2020
Recension av Miracles in Medieval Canonizations Processes
Myrdal, Janken 2019
Three Mistakes in the Moral Reasoning About the Covid-19 Pandemic
Stefánsson, H. Orri | 2020
Edge Precoloring Extension of Hypercubes
Markström, Klas , Casselgren, Carl Johan & Lan Anh Pham | 2020
Elite Schools, Elite Ambitions? The Consequences of Secondary-Level School Choice Sorting for Tertiary-Level Educational Choices
Bygren, Magnus & Erik Rosenqvist | 2020
Review of Elinor Mason’s Ways to be Blameworthy
Bykvist, Krister & Gunnar Björnsson | 2020
Introduktion till kriminologi 1 - Brottslighetens omfattning, karaktär och orsaker
& Jerzy Sarnecki | 2020
Accelerating the Evolution of Nonhuman Primate Neuroimaging
Lindenfors, Patrik , et al. | 2020
Successful and failed episodes of democratization: conceptualization, identication, and description
Lindenfors, Patrik , Wilson MC, Morgan R, Medzihorsky J, Maxwell L, Maerz SF, Lührmann A, Edgell AB, Boese V & Lindberg SI | 2020
The Relation Between Gender Egalitarian Values and Gender Differences in Academic Achievement
Eriksson, Kimmo , Vartanova, Irina , | 2020
Implicit Bias and Discrimination
Berndt Rasmussen, Katharina | 2020
The Role of Academic Achievement in the Relationship between School Ethos and Adolescent Distress and Aggression: A Study of Ninth Grade Students in the Segregated School Landscape of Stockholm
Plenty, Stephanie , Granvik Saminathen, Maria & Bitte Modin | 2020
Insecurity and political values in the Arab world
Vartanova, Irina , Cammet, Melani & Ishac Diwan | 2020
Nondeterminacy, cycles and rational choice
Herlitz, Anders | 2020
Disagreement, Indirect Defeat, and Higher-Order Evidence
Tersman, Folke & Olle Risberg | 2020
Establishing pathways to democracy using domination analysis
Lindenfors, Patrik , Edgell AB, Boese VA, Maerz SF & Lindberg SI | 2020
Quasi-realism and normative certitude
Bykvist, Krister , Björkholm, Stina & Jonas Olson | 2020
The Inner World of Research - On Academic Labor
Svallfors, Stefan | 2020
A Dilemma for Privacy as Control
Lundgren, Björn | 2020
Dennett and Taylor’s alleged refutation of the Consequence Argument
Gustafsson, Johan E. | 2020
Against the De Minimis Principle
Lundgren, Björn , Stefánsson, H. Orri | 2020
D3.3 Report on regulatory options
Lundgren, Björn Rodrigues, Rowena & Laulhe Shaelou, Stephanie | 2020
Implementing the Water Framework Directive and Tackling Diffuse Pollution from Agriculture: Lessons from England and Scotland
Fairbrother, Malcolm , De Vito, Laura & Duncan Russel | 2020
De överlappande hoten: Organiserad brottslighet, våldsbejakande extremism och dess konsekvenser för det polisiära arbetet
Rostami, Amir | 2020
Two Decades of Same-Sex Marriage in Sweden: A Demographic Account of Developments in Marriage, Childbearing, and Divorce
Kolk, Martin & Andersson, Gunnar | 2020
On revolutions
Lindenfors, Patrik , Armand M. Leroi, Ben Lambert, Matthias Mauch, Marina Papadopoulou, Sophia Ananiadou & Staffan I. Lindberg | 2020
#MeToo, Social Norms, and Sanctions
Berndt Rasmussen, Katharina & Nicolas Olsson Yaouzis | 2020
Basinkomstens nya våg - Lärdomar från medborgarlönsexperiment i välfärdsstater
Birnbaum, Simon; De Wispelaere, Jurgen; van der Veen, Robert, Halmetoja, Antti; Pulkka, Ville-Veikko | 2020
Beyond the Concept of Anonymity: What is Really at Stake?
Lundgren, Björn | 2020
Explaining health disparities between heterosexual and LGB adolescents by integrating the minority stress and psychological mediation frameworks: Findings from the TRAILS study
Kiekens, W.J., C. , Bos, H., Kretschmer, T., van Bergen, D. D., & Veenstra, R. | 2020
Folk & vilja: Ett försvar av demokratin i vår tid
Tersman, Folke & Torbjörn Tännsjö | 2020
How software developers can fix part of GDPR’s problem of click-through consents
Lundgren, Björn | 2020
Non-transitive better than relations and rational choice
Herlitz, Anders | 2020
Peers and Homophobic Attitudes in Adolescence: Examining Selection and Influence Processes in Friendships and Antipathies
Dijkstra, J. K., Kretschmer, T., Savickaitė, R., & Veenstra, R. | 2020
Politics for hire. The world and work of policy professionals
Svallfors, Stefan | 2020