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The Impact of Human Health Co-benefits on Evalutaions of Global Climate Policy

Spears, Dean , Scovronick, Noah, Budolfson, Mark, Dennig, Francis, Errickson, Frank, Fleurbaey, Marc, Peng, Wei, Socolow, Robert H. & Fabian Wagner | 2019

Det kulturella djuret: om människans evolution och tänkandets utveckling

Lindenfors, Patrik | 2019

A New Route from Moral Disagreement to Moral Skepticism

Tersman, Folke & Risberg, Olle | 2019

How does Birth Order and Number of Siblings Effect Fertility? A Within-Family Comparison Using Swedish Register Data

Kolk, Martin & Morosow, Kathrin | 2019

What Matters in Metaethics

Bykvist, Krister | 2019

Living Alone Together: Individualized Collectivism in Swedish Communal Housing

| 2019

Defining Social Housing: A Discussion on the Suitable Criteria

Lundgren, Björn & Granath Hansson, A. | 2019

Domestic Animals in Låle's Porverbs

Myrdal, Janken 2019

Divine Placebo: Health and the Evolution of Religion

Lindenfors, Patrik | 2019

Learning the Natural Numbers as a Child

| 2019

Towards a Theory of Pure Procedural Climate Justice

Brandstedt, Eric & Bengt Brülde | 2019

Hedonism, Desirability and the Incompleteness Objection

Andric, Vuko | 2019

Healthcare Rationing and the Badness of Death: Should Newborns Count for Less?

Campbell, Tim | 2019

Rawlsian Constructivism and the Assumption of Disunity

Brandstedt, Eric & Johan Brännmark | 2019

Asymmetry and Non-Identity

Berndt Rasmussen, Katharina & Per Algander | 2019

Optimal Climate Policy and the Future of World Economic Development

Spears, Dean Budolfson, M., Dennig, F., Scovronick, N., Siebert, A., Fleurbaey, M. & Fabian Wagner | 2019

Review Article: Non-Ideal Climate Justice

Brandstedt, Eric | 2019

Etisk kod för chefer

Falkenström, Erica | 2019

The choice of new private and benefit cars vs. climate and transportation policy in Sweden

Engström, Emma , Staffan Algers & Muriel Beser Hugosson | 2019

Stable and unstable choices

Herlitz, Anders | 2019

On the Limits of the Precautionary Principle

Stefánsson, H. Orri | 2019

Parity and Mortality: An Examination of Different Explanatory Mechanisms Using Data on Biological and Adoptive Parents

Kolk, Martin & Kieron Barclay | 2019

Innehåll i Framtider 2019/1

Tema kriminalitet: Organiserad brottslighet 2019

Revisiting the Cavity-method Threshold for Random 3-SAT

Markström, Klas & Lundow, Per Håkan | 2019

Sequential Requisites Analysis: A New Method for Analyzing Sequential Relationships in Ordinal Data

Lindenfors, Patrik , Krusell, Joshua & Lindberg, Staffan I. | 2019

Nondeterminacy, Two-Step Models, and Justified Choice

Herlitz, Anders | 2019

A Critical Human Group Size and Firm Size Distributions in Industries

Strimling, Pontus , Cordes, Christian & Tong-Yaa Su | 2019

Explosive violence: A near-repeat study of hand grenade detonations and shootings in urban Sweden.

Rostami, Amir , & M. Gerell | 2019

Likvärdighet och skolkvalitet: Socioekonomiskt ursprung och invandrarbakgrund

Jonsson, Jan O. & Treuter, Georg | 2019

Med migranternas röst. Den subjektiva integrationen

Puranen, Bi | 2019

Triples of Orthogonal Latin and Youden Rectangles For Small Orders

Markström, Klas , Gerold Jäger, Lars-Daniel Öhman & Denys Shcherbak | 2018

Climate Change and Optimum Population

Greaves, Hilary | 2018

Rösträttsåldern och demokratins avgränsningsproblem

Beckman, Ludvig | 2018

Är sannolikheter moraliskt relevanta?

Berndt Rasmussen, Katharina | 2018

A more plausible collapsing principle

Herlitz, Anders & Henrik Andersson | 2018

Retirement coordination in opposite-sex and same-sex married couples: Evidence from Swedish registers

Kolk, Martin & Linda Kridahl | 2018

Countering Protection Rackets Using Legal and Social Approaches: An Agent-Based Test

Andrighetto, Giulia , , Luis G. Nardin | 2018

The Difference Principle Would Not Be Chosen behind the Veil of Ignorance.

Gustafsson, Johan E. | 2018

Committing to Priorities: Incompleteness in Macro-Level Health Care Allocation and Its Implications

Herlitz, Anders | 2018

Våldsbejakande extremism och organiserad brottslighet i Sverige

Rostami, Amir , Mondani, Hernan , Edling, Christofer , Sarnecki, Jerzy | 2018

Social consensus influences ethnic diversity preferences

Bursell, Moa , Fredrik Jansson | 2018

Predicting Alcohol Misuse Among Australian 19-Year-Olds from Adolescent Drinking Trajectories

Plenty, Stephanie ,Tracy J. Evans-Whipp, Gary C. K. Chan, Adrian B. Kelly, John W. Toumbourou, George C. Patton, Sheryl A. Hemphill & Rachel Smith | 2018

Climate Change and Inequity: How to Think about Inequities in Different Dimensions

Herlitz, Anders & Nicole Hassoun | 2018

Innehåll i Framtider 2/2018

Tema nya teknologier: Den förarlösa bilen 2018

Explaining Swedish Sibling Similarity in Fertility: Parental Fertility Behavior vs. Social Background

Kolk, Martin & Johan Dahlberg | 2018